Training Fees

We are not a commercial dojo, but we do still have costs to pay including Insurance & hall rental, so we need to charge a nominal fee.
Initially, please arrange to watch a class in full to see if what we are doing is what you wish to do.
Minimum Age requirements: 16

Annual Insurance & Membership: $50.00 Payable by all practitioners. (July1 -June 30) ProRata $25.00 for (Jan1 - June 30)

Fees structure

Level 1 - Foundation package: 12 weeks @ 1.5 hours ( 6.30pm - 8pm) - $150 Payable in advance. This can be repeated.

Level 2 - Regular package. 3 months @ 2 hours (6.30pm - 8.30pm) - $180 Payable in advance ie on the 1st week of the quarter. Based on 1 class per week.

Quarter / Term: July 1, Oct 1, Jan 1, April 1.

Seminars & Private lessons available: Cost on Application.